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Gnats hovering,
criss-crossing one another under the chandelier.
It's a hot noon, the house walls
are bathed in a blinding sunlight,
in the room there's still shadow
but it soon will give in
to a patch of fiery sky.
Despite some voices outside, radios on,
it's all silence, quiet and present
like a thunder beyond sound
filling your cheeks with heat.
The gnats look marvelously indifferent
and steady in their rotating dance,
you gaze at them and don't want
to go anywhere, do anything

yes, it's mainly because you feel ill
that you can let any usual wish go
and be centered with the gnats
in their fragment of eternity,
in the sunlight which is entering
making useless any curtain
and any thought.

Davide Trame is an Italian teacher of English, born and living in Venice-Italy. He has been writing poems exclusively in English since 1993 and they have been published in various literary magazines since 1999, in U.K, U.S. and elsewhere. His recent publications are in "Poetry New Zealand," "New Contrast" (South Africa), "Nimrod" (U.S.), and "Prague Literary Review".

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